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Updated: Apr 6, 2022

During a transition to a remote workforce, how can you ensure employee security?

Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, remote work is becoming a more common trend in business. Now is the right time for companies and employees to take steps to secure remote work.

Below are some crucial tips to secure your computer systems while remote working:

1. Make Sure Your Employees’ Devices are Secure

Determining who will provide employees with laptops and computers for remote work. Your company can control what is allowed on these devices if it buys them or if it allows employees to take company equipment home. If you have changed your IT policy regarding remote work equipment, make sure your employees are aware of it. It is possible to wipe remote devices with Microsoft Office 365 or other IT vendors, in case of lost or stolen equipment.

2. Don’t Allow Shared Account

Eliminating shared accounts among vendors is a simple but effective method. It is yet another good reason to invest in a password management tool: you minimize the risk of unauthorized access by avoiding shared accounts.

3. Promote the Usage of Secure Cloud Services

Make sure your confidential information is not stored locally on your employee's endpoints as a way to protect them. If possible, content should be stored in the cloud, and employee access to cloud-based apps should be encouraged (such as Office 365). Furthermore, it's very important for your security teams to verify the use of any cloud storage services provided by third-parties.

4. Service Level Agreements

An SLA should be provided to a third-party vendor. It will ensure that your organization's vendors adhere to security policies; otherwise, they can be penalized.

5. Frequently Conduct Password Audits

Your company needs to perform security audits for passwords. Using enterprise security means not requesting personal details, but instead resetting and redefining passwords as part of stringent security policy. In addition to alphanumeric codes, your people should earn the utmost security across all their devices by using two-factor authentication. In case of key personnel loss, you should secure all business-critical passwords.


It is not necessary to worry about data security when working remotely or outside the office. The process of educating remote workers and implementing top cybersecurity procedures can quickly become standard practices that every employee in a company can adhere to easily, giving the employee the peace of mind that they are doing all they can to protect their employer's data.

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